John Fahy Memorial Humanitarian Award

Inspector John Fahy was raised in Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York and was a graduate of St. Francis Preparatory High School, St. Francis College and John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He was a U.S. Naval Officer assigned to a Destroyer during the Vietnam War. More than a dozen of his relatives were present or former members of the New York City Police Department. His wife, the late Margaret (O’Shaughnessy) was a Captain in the New York City Police Department. Inspector Fahy joined the force in 1969, and his first assignment was patrol in the 63rd Precinct in Brooklyn. After working in several other Brooklyn Precincts, he was promoted to Sergeant in 1977 and was later assigned as an Instructor at the Police Academy in 1981. He attended the 137th Session of the FBI National Academy in 1984.
Inspector Fahy died tragically in a home fire along with his son in April 1996 just two months after the passing of his wife. He is survived by two sons and a daughter. Officers who worked for Inspector Fahy said he was remarkable because always he maintained a friendly, unassuming manner. Many community leaders said Inspector Fahy had used a quiet diplomacy to smooth relations in a neighborhood undergoing rapid demographic changes. He calmed a growing crowd outside the station house in 1992, when a group of residents angrily demonstrated because the driver of a van was seriously injured while being arrested.

In 2006 the FBI National Academy Associate, New York State/E. Canada Chapter chose to officially honor Inspector Fahy with the creation of an award committee consisting of non-Board Members dedicated to selecting outstanding nominees for the JOHN FAHY MEMORIAL HUMANITARIAN AWARD.
Nominees must be:
- A dues current member of the FBI National Academy Associates, New York State/E. Canada Chapter residing within the area of the NYC Division;
- Or be a member in good standing of an Agency [per NYS CPL 1.20 (34)] that sends Candidates to the National Academy, assigned within the confines of the NYC Division and be nominated by a dues current member of the Chapter;
- And in the course of their employment or as an adjunct to that employment or on an unpaid basis in their community or an “other” community the nominee meets the following criteria:
- The person embodies a high moral character and demonstrates exemplary performance in law enforcement;
- Performs an act or engages in sustained conduct consistent with the demeanor of a selfless person who is dedicated to improving the condition of humankind and often makes sacrifices to benefit the greater good, without expectation of acknowledgement;
- Makes significant contributions to their community through their time, actions, talents and dedication. These contributions may consist of, by are not limited to: volunteerism in organizations, participating in a specific community project, unpaid service on committees, youth service programs, religious groups, etc.; or,
- Any act of volunteerism that would bring honor on the law enforcement community in general, and in particular, the F.B.I. National Academy.
This award will be presented at the NYPD Fahy Shoot on May 8, 2020.