Joseph E. Schneider, Jr.
Youth Leadership Award for Dedicated Service

Those of us who have worked to develop the Youth Leadership Program from its infancy to maturation feel it appropriate that the efforts of Joseph E. Schneider, Jr. should not go unrecognized. An annual award to be made in perpetuity is hereby created. This is intended to affix Joe’s name firmly to this program. Successive National Executive Boards over the years of YLP’s existence have cited this program as one of the jewels in the crown of the Associates. That didn’t happen by accident but by dedication, wisdom, and just plain hard work.
At every annual conference, an award will be made in the form of a $500 savings bond to be given to the highest scoring applicant of that Session who most demonstrates personal dedication to the community from which he/she springs.
Giving back to one’s community is probably the hallmark of the man that Joe Schneider is. In the broader sense, Joe gave back to the National Academy program through the development of the Youth Leadership Program. He molded it’s curriculum in every one of it’s dimensions. The result has been to enhance the student’s experience, culminating in achieving college credit for graduates.
In every area, whether academic, physical or leadership phases, Joe has left his indelible mark on the program and on the graduates. The great majority of graduates view Joe not only as a mentor, but a role model.